Powergen Controls’ Certifications and Approvals
Our commitment is in quality of products and safety of our personnel, for this reason and in order to be able to provide superior services to out clients we invest substantially in the growth and development of our team. Our focus is upon developing the individual not just to develop skills specific to the industry. Our philosophy : “grow the people – grow the business”. At Powergen Controls, our underlying values are quantity, quality, and spirit of service to our customers and clients, our suppliers, and to our fellow members of staff. At Powergen Controls, Quantity of Service means going the extra mile at all times, Quality of Service means doing it right the first time, and Spirit of Service means having respect for everyone we associate with as we deliver our service. We are committed to finding and developing our Team so as to ensure our outstanding service is experienced by our clients.

UL Certified Panel Shop
UL 891 Switchboards. UL File No. WEVZ.E490036
UL 508 Industrial Control Panels. UL File No. NITW.E473451
UL 1203 Panels for Hazardous Locations. UL File No. NNNY.E485798
AVETTA certified contractor

UL certified OEM

High Voltage certified Technicians